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What is Brand Identity and why you should invest in it?
Every story has two perspective one is with what intend storyteller is narrating and the other is the moral, listener is...

Meme Marketing: A New Trend In Marketing
You must know the saying; women are attracted to the men with humour. But that’s partially true. Men and women...

3 Easiest Steps To Create Social Media Content Planner
Today, social media has become much more than just connecting people. Businesses are using it as their one of the best assets...

Content Marketing: B2B Vs B2C
Your persuasion of storytelling should differ depending on the kind of a group you’re dealing with. The kind of a...

Don’t Have Time For Omnipresence? Pick One!
Omni presence has become the need to build brand identity and as audience are scattered on different platform...

Be The Brand Voice In Digital World Full Of Local Chaos!
Be The Brand Voice In The Digital World Full Of Local Chaos! Everyone is online. You are online. Your competitor is online...

Digital Marketing: Course Or Service
What's better for business owner? It’s a basic nature of business owners to learn anything and everything that can help...

Is Bigger Audience Always Better Audience?
Audience size matters because your product can not, please everyone or anyone. And if you’re planning to sell to anyone...

Does Every Business Need Blog?
The answer to the question, “Does every business need blog” must vary from marketer to marketer but surprisingly it’s not! Before...

Can I Do Digital Marketing For Free?
I will try to give the best in deep answer of this question as it is most asked question in digital marketing field. This question....

Top 20 FAQs About Digital Marketing – Answered!
Everyone who is learning it or applying it are placing their opinion and experience which leads to plenty of myths....

Best Way To Repurpose Content For Multiple Channels
Too many platforms, over 7 billion people across the world, 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide. Do you think, single...

10 Popular Digital Marketing Myths Debunked!
You must know that, its human tendency when everyone starts doing the same thing, everybody gets their different...

Choose The Best Google AdWords Campaign Type
Google AdWords is most used online advertising platform followed by Facebook and Instagram ads. Most of the time people...

9 Landing Page Tips That Converts
As it is a human tendency, we tend to work better when we know why to do it and importance of doing it. Henceforth, before...

Why & How To Use Forums For Business?
hey say, “You could get rich just by having the right conversation with the right people.” And yes, we all agree with that. Talking....

How To Spy On Competitors
Remember the saying “A horse never runs so fast as when he has other horses to catch up and outpace”. Maureen McCormick says, “As soon as I hear the word ‘competition’ I get...

Instagram Post Ideas For Your Business
When it comes to the Instagram algorithm along with saving, shares, comments & likes, consistency matters a lot. When you are...

How To Create An App Without Coding?
Do you know? Recent research shows that 90% of their mobile time is spent on app, and only 10% browsing the rest of the internet....

Evergreen Traditional Marketing Tactics
Is traditional marketing still can give me the results? Is traditional marketing still relevant? Is traditional marketing still...

How To Add Contact Form In WordPress
Having contact, registration, lead generation, inquiry, the subscription form is mandatory for a well-updated website....

5 Tips To Market Your Gym Online
Do you know? 38% of new year’s resolutions made each year are related to exercise and fitness. Hence, now is the biggest ....

Details To Be Considered While Choosing Domain
Choosing a domain name is one of the main and first steps towards building an online business. Hence, choose them...

How To Understand Market?
Hold on! Hold on!! Don’t Start your business without getting deeper into your market. Do you know the saying “Understand your market first.”?...

Social Media Marketing Approach For Salon
Do you know people get nervous when it comes to change their salon or hair dresser. Don’t worry about it, I will help you out to ....

Why Website Localization Will Benefit Your Local Business
To attach any person with you instantly, you just have to talk with him/her in his/her local language. When you start talking...

6 Online Marketing Strategies For Automation Services
As humans become obsessed with technology, without any doubt, we can say that soon the automation will become...

A Guide To Content Writing & Marketing
Content is the way to express your product, services, solution, ideas or thoughts in front of people. Hence, it is vital to create....

How To Use Social Media To Grow Your Business For Free?
To remodel your business into brand, you must have to use digital marketing for your business. Tell me, according to you what...

How To Setup An Effective AD Campaign?
Prompting or selling your product/service can’t be a single step. In order to turn your audience into potential buyers you have to...

Why Digital Marketing Is Important For Any Business?
Wikipedia defines digital marketing as Digital marketing is the component of marketing that utilizes internet and online....