social media blog by digiting

By Admin | 07 May 2022

3 Easiest steps to create social media content planner

Business has placed their store so perfectly on social media. Businesses are selling goods and services, and people are eagerly buying them on social media.

Today, social media has become much more than just connecting people. Businesses are using it as their one of the best assets of business. Consumers are consuming content of brands and business which helps them to make buying decision easier.

Content is the only mean to communicate on social media. It is far more than just your product image. Content is the most important weapon marketers use to convey their message to the world.

In this blog we are specifically gonna discuss about social media content and how to create social media content planner for your business.

What is social media content planner?
A social media content planner (also known as an “content calendar/editorial calendar”) is a written schedule of when and where you plan to publish upcoming content on social media.

For each post, a social media planner normally comprises a combination of the following elements:
  • The date and time it is supposed to be uploaded
  • The social media account and network where it will be shared
  • Required copy and creative assets (pictures or videos)
  • Links and tags
Importance of social media content planner
A lack of planning leads to inefficiencies, things take considerably longer time than they should. Eventually, you won’t get the result that you were expecting.

Here is the importance that define why you should use social media content planner for your social media marketing strategy.
  • Save time by getting organised
    What is convenient for you, sitting for the same task daily and doing research, creating, scheduling content for the day or taking a day or two to plan and schedule your weekly, monthly post?
    Organizing post will allow you to focus on other aspect of marketing and business for the rest of the month.
  • Helps you to be consistent
    Every other day bring up new responsibility. The other busy day might not give you a time require to create and post a content. So, you SKIP.
    And then again same day happens and you skip and skip and skip. This process is likely to be disliked by algorithm and your profile and post start disappearing from people feed. Also, won’t by any chance get the explore.
    Instead, if you create and schedule your content in advance, then you won’t miss a day.
  • Your time off is really time off
    When you decide to dedicatedly post consistently, you have to create and schedule it on your day off. So, what’s the point of day off then?
    But when you planning your social media strategy and scheduling it accordingly, you can have a true holiday on your holidays.
  • Prevent typos and errors
    Planning, creating and scheduling your social media content in advance will give you and your team a time to audit and correct your work.
    When you work ahead of time, copy-editing, fact-checking, and clearing content with organizational stakeholders are all considerably easier.
The biggest disadvantage of being disorganized in social media content i.e., is not using social media planner is you’ll forget things in hurry and publish less frequently.
Things to do before creating social media content planner
  • Set your goal
  • Select your message and tone
  • Choose platform (if you don’t want to use every platform)
  • Audit your previous and current content performance
  • Find out the best time of day to post your content
To get detail of each step visit: Don’t Have Time For Omnipresence? Pick The Best One!
3 steps to create social media content planner
After doing all above essential steps, you are ready to create content planner for your social media marketing strategy. Here are the basic 3 steps to be followed:
  1. List all type of content your audience may want to see
    Following are the list of content types you can use while creating your content list.

    If you are service provider, you can share insights before your service and progress after taking your service. This type of post is common among makeup artist and salons.
Behind the scene:
This kind of post build trust and can be good fit for any business. Share your employee image, or product packaging videos or meeting post and many more.
Blog post:
You can post thumbnail of your blog or you can make it carousel by picking up its bulleted lines.
Fill in the blanks of tools or strategies belong to your business and services.
Frequently asked question around your field as well as about your business.
How to…
Any activity or tutorial kind of carousel like hoe to set up a campaign or how to be a productive.
One on my favourite and who doesn’t need an introduction, memes. Here is a point note down, when you use meme for your business, make sure you step back if it seems offensive to anyone as it may harm your reputation.
Product image:
Just a simple image with a descriptive description.
Who doesn’t need a frequent dose of motivation and inspiration!? Give it to your audience once a week or as per your business and audience need.
It takes a genius to get the answer of a riddles in a first read and not everybody is genius like you. People reread the riddles in order to understand it. Which gives algorithm a good signal and also forces your audience to engage with your post by commenting the answer.
Let the person sell your product why have actually used it? Reviews are online form of word-of-mouth. Do share your existence or past customer experience to drag the new ones.
Tips & tricks:
Tips or trick use your product or anything related to your field.
Team introduction:
Give a shoutout to persons who put the efforts in you brand success.
Tweet Screenshot:
You can reshare your tweet screenshot at any platform you want.
An old image, or old story, experience you can share with your audience.
Video tutorial:
Short videos or reels are the great way to interact with your audience.
What is…
Educate your audience about the new terms or strategies around your business.
  1. Select 7 type and assign them to 7 days
    Choose the days you wanna post on. Posting daily is highly recommended specially if you choose Instagram.
    Now, select type of content you want to share and assign them to particular day as shown in below example.
example of social media content calendar by digiting
  1. Create post accordingly
    The tough part has pass. Now, you have planned it all to create and schedule accordingly.
  2. Bonus tip: You can alter content type at any moment when you run out of content for any.
Things to do after creating social media content planner
  • Audit your social media performance and sail your strategy accordingly.
  • Stay close with trends. Feel free to skip a planned post and create something that relates with trend.
  • Start hunting for next month’s content.
Wrapping it!
The mentioned 3 steps to create social media planner take a lot more process to be performed before and after. The detail of those steps will soon be uploaded on upcoming blogs.

Need help to create content for your social media?
Our experts at Digiting are happy to serve you every kind of social media content your business need. Catch us on or fill it.
I hope you find it useful. if you need any help in marketing your business feel free to contact us.
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